» I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet
» CREATE: In a second post, choose five that best exhibit the compositional rules and describe the rules used.
Read article on composition:
Here is a article that I would like you to READ. It focuses on abstract photography. This article has four parts.
Here is another article on composition. http://www.morguefile.com/docs/Jodie_Coston:_Lesson_1
Using any digital camera, take a minimum of 20 abstract photos based entirely on some of the compositional rules in the article. Subjects should not be recognizable or barely recognizable. In your blog , upload the final version of the image and write an explanation of why you think the composition makes a visually interesting image according to the compositional rules.
Note: You can open the image in Photoshop and crop the image until you like the composition.
Post twenty abstracts on your blog. In a second post choose five that best exhibit the compositional rules. Title the blog, Final Abstracts.